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Student Guide:
Jupiter Protects the Earth from Asteroids!

A Classroom Activity

Day 1:Outline:

  1.               History of Universe -- we squeeze 13.7 Billions years down to a few minutes and a few slides!  We want to review the history of the evolution of matter in the Universe from the Big Bang to now. And we you to touch some star matter1  Please  
    Click this link for ppt slide    

  2. Explanation of Asteroids -- Do you know what an astreoid Asteroid's size, what they are , where they live (10 mins)  -- Asteroid Explanation click here

  3. Jupiter Intro -- What makes Jupiter so special (5 mins) -- click here to view movie

  4. Students: Please break into groups of three (15 mins) -- I want to ask each group to thinkg about  asks what could happen if Jupiter lets an asteroid through? Each group should choose a speaker to represent them. When all of the ideas are shared, we want to build a classroom consensus.

  5. Show Movie of Dinosaurs and Asteroid (6 mins) -- Click Here to open Asteroid Impact Movie! Groups: What  is happening here?

  6. Explanation (1 minute) --this will not happen to you!...

  7. SPlease watch "Jupiter" dance section of Astronomy High (3 minutes) -- Click here to watch Jupiter Dance Activity!

  8. In discussion in groups of 3 (10 minutes), we would like each group describe what  what Jupiter was doing.  Then, whole classroom consensus is formed about what Jupiter was doing in Dance!





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