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Jupiter Protects the Earth from Asteroids!
A Classroom Activity
Day 1:Outline:
History of Universe Guided Activity to Enable Children to Touch (carefully!) some matter made in stars! (8 minutes) Use this presentation
Click this link for ppt!: -
Explanation of Asteroids -- size, what they are , where they live (10 mins) -- Asteroid Explanation click here
Jupiter Intro (5 mins) -- click here to view movie
Students break into groups of three (15 mins) -- Carl asks students what could happen if Jupiter lets an asteroid through? Groups contribute their thoughts to develop a classroom consensus.
Show Movie of Dinosaurs and Asteroid (6 mins) -- Click Here to open Asteroid Impact Movie!
Explanation to children (1 minute) --this will not happen to them...
Students watch "Jupiter" dance section of Astronomy High (3 minutes) -- Click here to watch Jupiter Dance Activity!
In discussion in groups of 3 (10 minutes), students identify what Jupiter was doing. Then, whole classroom consensus is formed about what Jupiter was doing in Dance!
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